Girls in the Beauty Department

Want to Know What Men Really Notice When It Comes to Your Hair? Check Out These Survey Results...

The folks at Pantene polled a whole mess of men to find out what exactly it is they notice (and love!) about a woman's hair. Here's what they found...

The folks at Pantene polled a whole mess of men to find out what exactly it is they notice (and love!) about a woman's hair. Here's what they found...

74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair and 44% of men surveyed said that hair is the first thing they notice about a woman, more than her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%).

Most men surveyed would be more likely to approach a woman at a bar with great hair than a woman wearing a low-cut shirt.

82% of men indicated that sexy hair is a key element to a woman's overall sex appeal.

60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts.

And 78% of men surveyed consider healthy hair to be a turn-on.

Now, the first thing that strikes me is that men are obviously drawn to hair that's shiny and healthy--and that makes complete sense. But this is what Steve Ward of VH1's Tough Love (whom the company hired to come and chat with us about these findings) had to say about the results: "A good first impression goes the distance and these survey results reveal you don't always have to go for the most revealing look on the first date. Instead of struggling to decide what outfit to wear, it may be a good idea to start to rethink your hairstyle. Hair that is healthy and well-kept immediately signals to a man that you are responsible, classy, attentive, and take pride in your appearance and these are all characteristics that men look for in women."

Oh, and he called me out in a room full of people for tucking my hair behind my ear while he was talking--a move he said is a man magnet for a guy who was already noticing my waves.

Then Pantene stylist Hallie Bowman gave us all a tip: "Don't let bad hair ruin your chances of making a good first impression. Before a big date, use a deep conditioning treatment on your hair in the shower. Assuming that the majority of women color their hair, I suggest the Pantene Color Nourishing Treatment. The intense moisturizing formula really enhances your hair color's shine and it will leave a healthy glow on your hair that won't go unnoticed"

Anyway, it's all very interesting. Some of it's not surprising (of course men think your hair is a big factor in your sex appeal!) and some if it took me back a bit (really? 60 percent would rather date a woman with good hair than big boobs?). I'm curious to know what you guys think--as you often have funny, intelligent things to say on topics like these.

So have at it. What do you think of these statistics, ladies?

p.s. Check out 10 hairstyles guys love and what turns men on when it comes to fragrance. Oh, and remember when Steve Ward gave Smitten blogger Erin advice? Good times.

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Photos: Jupiterimages